Are You Being Paranoid If You Decide To Change All Of Your Locks
03/01/2014 Back To Blog
What is the definition of paranoia? Even better what is the implication behind the term? If you actually suffer from paranoia then o.k. - it is actual medical condition and should be treated and controlled like any other condition. But since it is still rude to mock people for their medical and physical conditions the term is usually used to describe healthy people with certain attitudes and conducts. For example a person that worries too much or that is extra careful is quite often called and accused of being paranoid. No one likes to be called paranoid and yet again it happens quite often and quite a lot. Let’s take for example your personal and home conduct. What would be normal behavior and what might fall under the category of excessive paranoid behavior?
What about your locks
Having professional and licensed locksmith company service provider over to your home and replacing almost all of your locks may be regarded by many as the excessive behavior. Why on hell do you need all new locks people might say? Well there are definitely different reasons why one may feel it is time for lock change services. After some time one may start experiencing issues with his/hers locks and prefer to fix the issue immediately rather than wait for everything to fall apart or wait for him/her to be stuck in one of the rooms and then found who knows when.
Renting a place
If a person moves to a new place and wishes to change all of the locks then this type of behavior definitely falls under category of common sense behavior as opposed to paranoid behavior. Quite often when you are renting a flat or entire house you can never be certain you are the only one who is in possession of your home keys. Even if you make sure you ask your landlord about this matter you can never know for sure if he is telling you the truth or he is just trying to get you off his back. For this reason calling your 24 Hour Emergency Locksmith immediately might be a very smart move. Why emergency? Well because you definitely do not wish to spend a night in a place where you do not feel one hundred per cent secure and emergency locksmith companies can perform emergency lock change for you in no time.